What is the HSL2?
The HSL2 is a multifunctional winch which sits in a frame that’s manufactured to the same measurement as all international standard square and triangle trusses. Modular building is the future; it’s as simple as that. We are referring to the new lifting solutions.
You can order from a simple one-axis HSL2 controller up to SIL3 control systems. You can order any controller touch-screen designs you want; the customer decides the layout.
Safety is the key point in our philosophy. All HSL2 winches have limit and emergency limit switches, under and overload detection, a testing box and simple escape solutions for emergency building power failure.
All Winches are delivered with certifications, instruction manuals and a training program.
What can we do?
We can deliver all mounted possibilities: horizontal, vertical, self- climbing, roof-mounted, anything which suits your needs. From a single studio Winch to full stage, computer-controlled Winches for all architectural environments, in any color desired. Our aim is to make these aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
We can deliver all possible lifting and moving installations. You can find speed, lifting weight, and travel distance in the table or by contacting us. Once we know your configuration, we “create the solution.” Resulting in silence for movement during live shows
We make your work simple. Every HSL2 Winch can be delivered with Neutrik elements like DMX, power con, ethernet, ber, dimmer groups, CEE 16 or 32amp. We work within the limits of your space.
We offer a ten-year guarantee. In addition, we also provide a do-it- yourself inspection course. This will substantially reduce your yearly maintenance and inspection costs. Your technician hereby becomes an inspection specialist.